Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It is what it is

Grown and living my life. A simple life at that, but yet I complicate it with nonsense. One would disagree that a divorce is nonsense. This is true. It is in fact a very complicated mess. My parent's mess. Their marriage was a train headed for a derailment. The track had its bad spots along the way, but they stayed the course. THE BIG 50 was around the bend. The little engine that could, just couldn't anymore. Not a lot to say about how they got here. Marriage is a work in progress. Individual progress and together progress. Progress is good. They didn't have much of either. It's a team effort. Everyone needs to know where and what the goal is. And even individual sports still require everyone's effort. Ready, set, go..WIN...or in this case..LOSE. At the end of this "nonsense" is a trail of broken ties, unkind words and untruths. This train will make its final stop, but the destination for each will continue separate directions

Monday, August 10, 2009

you don't know me

First impressions are everything. Here is my chance. You look, you judge.. why? You don't know me. I look, and I too judge.. why? I don't know you. Let's not pretend. I don't want to dance. I don't want to sing. I just want to breathe. You suffocate me with your thoughts, please stop. Take the cloth from my face and let me breathe. You don't know me. I want to know what it feels like to see through MY eyes.Your face is foreign to me. My layers have been pulled back..I am now exposed. I have nothing left for you. Nothing. Let's not pretend. The fairytale ended when YOU walked away. My happily ever after is with out YOU. You don't know me..anymore.